viernes, 23 de abril de 2010

Activity# 9- Cartoon analysis


1) Look at the cartoon and think about the following aspects: What does the image suggest you?. What is the main intention of the author? What is the author trying to compare?. Write down here on the blog your opinion about the cartoon.

Deadline: Sunday- 6pm

16 comentarios:

  1. AT the first image, the author is trying to say, that at that time, that the fault of getting bad noted at school was from the students(which is the obvius), but now(2010), The students are saying to they parents, when they get bad notes, that the is the teachers fault that the students get bad notes, because many reasons, like that is a bad teacher.
    We need to be honest.

  2. Hi Mr...!
    In my opinon in 1969 the students were more responsible for them actions and failures, they were like a 100% honest...But as time change, also the costumes...Now a days we have lost a lot of honesty, responsability and "courage" to accept our mistakes... We have been looking all the time for a culpit of the wrong or bad things that happen to us and blame others, but we do not notice that the real culpit of all what we do is ourselves...
    and this must change...!
    That´s all teacher...
    Thank you.!
    Bye... :) :D

  3. Hi teacher, Well i think the author is trying to say like¨omm in 1969 was students fault if they lose a subject, because was their duty to study, But now with that stupid scoring method, teachers put us many homework as they can, And is so hard; Parents see what those homeworks means and that students make a big effort to pass and and not having to take the final exam that included all subjects seen in a year CAUSE IS TOO DIFICULT TO PASS, is like so dificult to ace something U can bukledown but at the ¨dead line¨the final second of the period U fell like ¨OMM I MAKE ALL MY EFFORT ONLY FOR SEEING THAT STUPID (7.0) OR (6.97)¨is like WTF? what the hell is going here?,¨Now i think that ,that is like the point , the topic that the author is trying to show us, Now is like no students fault but teacher fault.


  4. On the first image, we can see that the parents are scolding the chid because of his bad notes. But in the actual one, the teacher is the scolded because of the child´s bad notes. So this cartoon shows us how lazy students are, and we say it´s because of the teacher we get bad notes. We prefer to blame the teacher of our bad notes, than assuming that our notes, it dosen´t matter wether they are good or bad, is a reflection of what we do during all the period. If we don´t effort ourselves we can´t expect to have good notes, nor blaming the teacher, who is supposed to claify fairly. ATT: Héctor Mauricio Gómez Rodríguez C.F.J.R.

  5. the author is making a comparisson about the past and the present is showing how our behavor have been changing, before children were more resposables because the level of demand was higher and strict now instead of that the fall of loosing any subject is teachers fall not our fall, present parents dont ask their children nothing, prsent children dont know the meaning of responsability, they are involve in a world of video games, tv, and no more they live in alone so parents buy they love with material objects, and instead childrens forgive they leave them make what ever they want, what is happening with our children ? values and responsabilities are loosen are dessapear.
    now the wrong arent children NO are adults because till they are babies they learn that, if we want a promising future, we need to require children all the capacities they can give to our society,thats what the author want to show as, he want as to reflect about our present and if thats the way to arrive to a promising an succesful future.if we dont begin till this moment to form ourself as a responsable people, we cant wait so much in a future.

  6. on the first image, we can see that time ago we have a really big respect and distance with our parents an teachers. bad notes are faulth of the childs and all the responsabilities of students notes are of them but this charge and responsability have change during the pass off the days we manipulate our parents and we throw all the faulth of our duties and notes to our teachers , thats faulth of all the thrust that parents and teachers give us, thats why we are so lazy and mediocre people ..

    camila moreno

  7. the images shows how we change our behavor during the pass of the years. before: child were realy responsable with their duties and homeworks, the academic average of all students were high enough, but now days we have change a lot and all the things that we make are not enough to get a high average academicaly, we are so lazy and we dont use all the knowledge that our teachers and parents give us..

  8. In the first cartoon the author want to say that in 1969 The students have concience of their study and homeworks, Also their parents demand a lot of effort and dedication.
    Now days The students don't care about their notes because the parents demand like before.
    I think that we the students and sons, we make effort, because have became in lazy people.

    Laura Ortiz

  9. well i think that the images show us that in 1969 the education was more honest and the students dont lie to their parents and just aceppt the Punishments that they put them but now when we got bad notes and we just say that the teacher is bad or that the school is bad and this make that the parents get angry with the teachers and that the students get like a "nice face" and say that they are innocent i think this is a bad thing that the students make we should be more responsables and accept our misstakes

  10. hi Mr
    well I think what followeth the picture is that we realize as in the past school education has been stronger and continuing on the education of each student and today is simply more "soft" because the students simply taken as a game and not something really important for their future and to be better people every day.
    On the other hand that the author wants to introduce is that so sarcastic and funny we realize the reality that we are moving and we are aware of the true value of creating a comparison study of these two scenes the same peron different spaces throughout history...
    ATT: July Higuera

  11. HI Mister!
    Well, in my opinion the cartoons are comparing the behaviour of the students, parents and teachers when the student lose a subject; in 1969, when the students lose a subject the unique idea that passed for the parent's mind was that it was the only student's fault without asking they (I'm not saying that wasn't their fautl). The parents only started to punish and punish and punish without hearing them. This is an extreme point.

    In the other hand, in these days, the parents are extremely permissives and trust too much in their sons (exageratedly), so it begins the path for lies, complicated and false versions of the truth, etc.
    It have to change!
    Juan Sebastian Sanchez Pinzon

  12. Hello Mr. Olaya

    I think that the 2 comparations that the author did are all related to the values that are thaught in the house, because in 1969 the parents wer not manipulated by the children because they trusted more in the teacher than in their own kids, and now the parents believe all that the kids say and are manipulated by the words they say nad the students blame the teachers.

    Thank you Mr.

    Jose Fernando Marquez G.


  14. what wants to show at the first image in the years of the 1969 the children have more respectful to hisparents and teachers . and we amuse awaer role of students. the same thinking and criteria have awaer fathers.

  15. But know we manipulated awar fathers and we want to change the think to dont damage awar reputation . iN THIS YERAS 2009 AND 2010 we put a great importance to the rights of the child the fathers are blind and dosen´t want to look the real things . everyone senn that the students lost each day his spirit of overcoming and knowing is lost and that produce thanks that have someone that hel`ps to anithink that they do wrong so he doSEN¨t preocupate for that and don´t amuse his responsabilities thanks mr olayaaa
    att: Carmen Helena Duarte

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    and today I finally can enter to the blog

    mi coment about the images:
    in the first images the autors said that in 1969 the students were responsables of their acts and the guilt of lose a subjet was from the students but now at days the students are no so honest and the guilt of lose a subjet is of the theacher ( that is no true IN SOME CASES ), and the students are saing to the parents that te teachers are no good giving class
    ATT daniel perez ;)
