viernes, 23 de abril de 2010

Activity # 7. Writing Workshop

Hey there Guys!
As we said the last class, writing is going be one of our main focuses this period. We discussed some of the characteristics of Pro-Con- compositions and it is supposed you´ve working on ideas for our fist formal composition. Considering this, here is what you have to do:

Task Description:

1) Research. What is a paragraph?. Find out on book s or web sites what a paragraph is. Write down on your notebooks the main characteristics of formal paragraphs.

2) Choose one of the topics that you selected and write your introductory paragraph. Take into consideration the structure of this kind of paragraph. Remember that you are free to chose your topic and also, consider the fact that you must be well informed of the topic you´re going to discuss. Once you have your introduction done, PASTE IT ON THE BLOG.

3)Deadline: Sunday -6 pm

4)If you have any question don´t hesitate to ask.

All the best for this weekend.

9 comentarios:

  1. Well teacher im going to write about...
    ¨well first we can start defining what love and desire means, LOVE,the truth that everybody needs but nobody underestands,DESIRE,that feeling wich produces tha truth of every being in response to love; Nextlet us underestand what THEATRE means.THEATRE, for amateurs does not means more than acting and for other crazy lovers of these art means more than an ilucion simply a passion a full life¨


  2. Hi Mister,
    I chose top write about the influence of the music in the bahavior of the people.
    Introductory paragraph:
    Ok, This essay have the objective to advertise the readers of the Good/Bad influence that the music could make into themselves. For example, there are so many types of hard music as hardcore, screamo, etc, that make the people to be more acelerated or hyper active because of a reaction of the brain to certain notes in the music. For the othe side, if you hear for example reggae music, you will start to feel more relax and happy with the life, without problems. But be careful!
    The music can make you do really bad things like cutting your veins or something like that!
    Juan Sebastian Sanchez Pinzon

  3. Hi Teacher, my introductory paragraph is about the situation Venezuela is living:

    Hugo Chavez, the reencarnation of Bolivar or the latin-american Kim Jong Il, the North Korean Dictator?. The president of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez has Venezuela in an economical and social crisis because of his despotism. The venezuelan people are suffering of hunger and lack of energynad water. This is all caused by the "21'st. century socialism", according Chavez, but as Gustavo Petro said in an electoral debate in March of 2010, "The 21'st. century socialism of Chavez, is the same 20'th. century communism of Stalin"

    Jose Fernando Marquez G.


    how fashion influence in the personality and behavior of the people.

    Introductory paragraph:
    fashion always has influenced the lives of the entire world depending on the environment in which you are, the social status, or the tastes.
    fashion changes, but it never ended,In agreement to the epoch there are predominant styles that with the passage of time it is possible that they repeat themselves.
    is a way of expressing how you feel and demonstrates the one who you are!!
    The fashion is based on trends; the style is based on the personality.
    beeing well dressed give confidense to yourself.
    fashion always has caused controvercy and scandal in the world of the magazines and the spectacle.

    Att: Camila Moreno 9º

  5. hi mister the topic i choose is why photography is important for people's memories
    introductory paragraph:
    the photography is an important object we could use for rebember some things like travels or special moments in human live it is very important for some people than other because some kind of people dont like them but this is not important the important is to know why this help to remember some things this is because one photo could take what people is doing and why they are doing that so this is so important that the human bings have created a lot of differents models of cameras more usefull than the firts ones i thing this is and important invent of the humans and that is very usefull this is why this is so important we should continue doing this kind of activities if we want to remember some things in some moments


  6. Hi Mr ...
    Currently, surrogate motherhood, commonly known as "surrogacy" has become an option to design a new life. This practice is to pay a woman called "surrogate" for leading the development of the embryo during the nine months of gestation until birth. In this sense, the surrogate functions as an incubator for a child that will breed and, hence, the term "surrogacy."
    This is an issue that causes great controversy in the feeling and understanding of people, which is why I wanted to try to understand and see the different ways of thinking about and analyzing the different ethical positions that can be taken before this option to have children.
    Surrogate motherhood emerges as an option when a woman is infertile and can not conceive or sustain a fetus, or has the possibility but a high risk of death to herself or her child. It is common among heterosexual couples, but also by single mothers or gay couples. Faced with this kind of situations arise three possible forms of surrogacy:
    The couple renting the womb provides the egg through a process of fertilization of the woman of the couple. By using specific drugs produced stimulation of ova, which together with the husband's sperm extracted from the reproductive organs, are sent to the laboratory to be fertilized. Then two embryos are inserted into the matrix of the womb and finally rented an embryo in the uterus of the matrix. In this case, the surrogate mother is not the baby's biological mother, but her own foster mother.
    surrogate also provides the egg, which can be fertilized with the sperm of the man of the couple who rented the womb or a third party. In this case, the surrogate is the same biological mother.
    The egg and sperm are provided by people outside the couple or person who hires the services of surrogate motherhood and the mother's womb for rent. In this case, the surrogate mother, the foster mother and biological mother will be three different people. ue is hired and mother to whom he rented the womb.

    When the baby is born, the surrogate mother delivers the baby to the couple that hires and disclaims any duty or obligation to the baby at the judicial level, although in many cases allowed to visit but without any obligation or right.
    Att: july :$

  7. surrogacy
    Currently, surrogate motherhood, commonly known as "surrogacy" has become an option to design a new life. This practice is to pay a woman called "surrogate" for leading the development of the embryo during the nine months of gestation until birth. In this sense, the surrogate functions as an incubator for a child that will breed and, hence, the term "surrogacy."
    This is an issue that causes great controversy in the feeling and understanding of people, which is why I wanted to try to understand and see the different ways of thinking about and analyzing the different ethical positions that can be taken before this option to have children.
    Surrogate motherhood emerges as an option when a woman is infertile and can not conceive or sustain a fetus, or has the possibility but a high risk of death to herself or her child. It is common among heterosexual couples, but also by single mothers or gay couples. Faced with this kind of situations arise three possible forms of surrogacy:
    The couple renting the womb provides the egg through a process of fertilization of the woman of the couple. By using specific drugs produced stimulation of ova, which together with the husband's sperm extracted from the reproductive organs, are sent to the laboratory to be fertilized. Then two embryos are inserted into the matrix of the womb and finally rented an embryo in the uterus of the matrix. In this case, the surrogate mother is not the baby's biological mother, but her own foster mother.
    surrogate also provides the egg, which can be fertilized with the sperm of the man of the couple who rented the womb or a third party. In this case, the surrogate is the same biological mother.
    The egg and sperm are provided by people outside the couple or person who hires the services of surrogate motherhood and the mother's womb for rent. In this case, the surrogate mother, the foster mother and biological mother will be three different people. ue is hired and mother to whom he rented the womb.

    When the baby is born, the surrogate mother delivers the baby to the couple that hires and disclaims any duty or obligation to the baby at the judicial level, although in many cases allowed to visit but without any obligation or right.


  9. Carmen Helena duarte26 de abril de 2010, 15:38

    Hi mister the writing workshop I do in my notewook thanks. I hope u be agry with that . Really thanks XD english is very important to me!
