viernes, 23 de abril de 2010

Activity# 9- Cartoon analysis


1) Look at the cartoon and think about the following aspects: What does the image suggest you?. What is the main intention of the author? What is the author trying to compare?. Write down here on the blog your opinion about the cartoon.

Deadline: Sunday- 6pm

Activity # 7. Writing Workshop

Hey there Guys!
As we said the last class, writing is going be one of our main focuses this period. We discussed some of the characteristics of Pro-Con- compositions and it is supposed you´ve working on ideas for our fist formal composition. Considering this, here is what you have to do:

Task Description:

1) Research. What is a paragraph?. Find out on book s or web sites what a paragraph is. Write down on your notebooks the main characteristics of formal paragraphs.

2) Choose one of the topics that you selected and write your introductory paragraph. Take into consideration the structure of this kind of paragraph. Remember that you are free to chose your topic and also, consider the fact that you must be well informed of the topic you´re going to discuss. Once you have your introduction done, PASTE IT ON THE BLOG.

3)Deadline: Sunday -6 pm

4)If you have any question don´t hesitate to ask.

All the best for this weekend.