lunes, 22 de febrero de 2010

Activity # 1- Listening

17 comentarios:

  1. We don't need no education
    We don't need no thought control
    No dark sarcasm in the classroom
    Teacher leave them kids alone
    Hey teacher leave them kids alone
    All in all your just another brick in the wall
    All in all you're just another brick in the wall

    [chorus at end by pupils from the Fourth Form Music Class Islington Green School, London]

    We don't need no education
    We don't need no thought control
    No dark sarcasm in the classroom
    Teachers leave them kids alone
    Hey teacher leave us kids alone
    All in all you're just another brick in the wall
    All in all you're just another brick in the wall

    We don't need no education
    We don't need no thought control
    No dark sarcasm in the classroom
    Teacher leave them kids alone
    Hey teacher leave them kids alone
    All in all your just another brick in the wall
    All in all you're just another brick in the wall

    [chorus at end by pupils from the Fourth Form Music Class Islington Green School, London]

    We don't need no education
    We don't need no thought control
    No dark sarcasm in the classroom
    Teacher leave them kids alone
    Hey teacher leave us kids alone
    All in all you're just another brick in the wall
    All in all you're just another brick in the wall

  2. Write your opinion about the video that you´ve seen. Prepare yourself with arguments for a class discussion tomorrow.Remember to include your name after your opinion.

    Steps for leaving your comments:

    1. Write your opinion
    2. Click on the icon " comentar como".
    3. Select " comentar como Nombre/Url
    4. Write your name on the field
    5. Click on " Publicar momentario"

  3. Well I think that this video show us the system that schools have in that age and how it will be if the students make a revolucion about it also is a hard critic to the schools because it show the people that schools just take the students like if they were machines and show us that the teachers could do with our mines what they want so in conclussion i think is a very interesting video to see

  4. hi teacher. this is hector. I think this lyric and video shows how unfare was the school some years ago. "another brick in the wall": i think it means that students felt like " ugh. i´m just another idiot who will be mistreated." teachers used to put upon their charge and they thought they could mistreat students in that way, so this song goes againts that. teachers hit the students, they offended students in front of everyone and that was not just to say " hey you´re so tupid" it was to say "HEY FU...ER WORK DON´T BE SO FUC..ING IDIOT, YOURE A B...CH. YOU DESERVE THE WORST OF THE WORSE" that was how were teachers in that time so this song is againts that

  5. I think that the video show us that a Strict system of education takes us to Rebelliousness without reason and a suppressed freedon..
    also tell us how the teachers saw us and they trought that we are like scheme that recive information and keep it.
    "another brick on the wall" means that they saw us like if we were oly a think an not a human body ...
    i like the video

    Att: Camila Moreno

  6. I think that this video show us that in that age the system of education was really unfair Because the students were like machines for the teacher and they think that they can say to the students all the things that they want out whit respect

    I like the video

  7. Hi teacher
    Oo i love this video amazing how teachers can be, LOL
    omm i like so much this video because is an exactly example of what teachers want of us and what some teachers do to us, Like the horrible metaforic comments in front of the class that make us look like fools. the form they sweat our minds THEY EXPLOIT US!!...LOL
    Like i dont underestand why we have to eat all te food for win our sweet if we do not like some food!
    Ok teacher that is all
    good video i like this homework
    I Hope u continue making this homewonks for us;D
    Bye Teacher See U Later

  8. Hello distinguished professor,
    Ok I think that this video is so much interesting because it shows us the way of teaching of a lot of time ago... What I can reflect about this is that we must value so much the work of our teachers and is certain way we have to exploit them because they're teaching us in a good way and what is so important they respect us! (what didn't happen at that time).
    They're working harder for teaching us by a very friendly way and if we sit to think in that i'm sure we'll enjoy that but we've to think in that in the class too and stop our misbehavior in the class.

    Thank you Mr. Olaya for this astonishing video I'm sure that all of us have reflected so much about this topic.
    Juan Sebastián

  9. hi teacher
    i think the video shows as the repressive education system where the teachers use sarcasm and make the students feel ridiculos and foolish, teachers hit the students and dont respect them this is a critical video about british education.
    Sebastián Buitrago.

  10. Hellow mrs Olaya:
    I really like this song because I think it is a revolutionary video , the classmets of that time are clamming for respect, for equality for FAIR!
    its a way to show the society the internal problems a comunity can had and how they can affect de development of a generation.
    its the perfect way to make a protest or criticize something its wrong in the world we are living on.
    I really love this video because thought the years that had passed till it was created it still bean a REVOLUTIONARY SONG !

  11. Hi teacher

    Well I think that tis video reflects the feelings of so many students in some schools (including me like 3 years ago),that the teachers want to manipulate the academic life of the student and select the carreer for us. But here in MVS they treat us human beings an not as "another brick in the wall"

    Thank you for this great homework and I hope this works repeats

    Jose Fernando

  12. hmmm this video is amazing interstig wouuu
    well my opinion tha is a great representation of the college of years before show all the problems like the cuel form . on that days are not freedom !! is so sad beacuse they dont have the oportunity to give opinions or thoughs so he was based on the rules and but thinks tha the college mades . they dont have autonomy on that years and I think the lyrics are the sprecific to that topic said all the dificult situacion . for that reason I love the chnages beacuse we can correct all awar problems I love this topic bbye teacher att : krmen helena duarte I hpe u send more works about this .. good night XD

  13. Well...
    I really like the song, but I dont agree with a part of The chorus of the song: We don´t need no education. We really do need education for our lives. Eventhough I dont agree with that part I agree with this one: We don't need no thought control, No dark sarcasm in the classroom. I dont think that the teachers must have more rigths than the Students.

  14. I think that this video dropping down to see how some institutions operate today where students do not let them think in a unique way and give other fucking view and create new herrramientas.
    besides culura I think all this comes from a long time ago and wanted to show this video as our pope replicate what they did in a past where we.... :S

  15. I think that the way of aducation that show in the video are so bad because the teachers use the "violence" to educate the children. I Think that they can use difernt ways to educate, like is naow that the student is an important and valious person.

    Laura Ortiz !

  16. PROFE LA DE LAS 20:01 ES MIA...

  17. Hello Teacher...
    How Are You??? I Hope You Be Fine...Mr. About The Video, In My Opinion Is So Expressive,The Message Is Clear...The Intenction Of The Video And Song Are Especifics, The Way How Teachers Interact With The Classmates Is Wrong, Is Like The Way Childresn Were Educated Before... :( I Like The Idea Of Revolution From Students...It´s Aa Very Interesting Topic, Song And Video...Although I Don´t Share The "We Don´t Need No Education" Idea Because It´s Necessary To Know A Lot Of Things On Our Lives, To Be SUCCESFULL Person In The Future...!
