sábado, 20 de marzo de 2010

Homerooming - Pray Time

Hey guys:

We have to organize the pray time next tuesday. I´d like to organize it in English that´s why I need three of you to help me to present a reflection based on one of the following videos. Just tell me which one you prefer for the reflection.

The ones who would like to help me please post a message. I´ll reward you with 15 points in the English Class. Thanks for your cooperation.

14 comentarios:

  1. If you have any other suggestion to do a reflection on a different video just copy the link and we discuss it.

  2. mister hello
    i´ll wish can help you just tell me what i have to do.
    juan camilo s

  3. Hey Professor!
    I really want to hel you!
    but I have a problem...
    I can't accept those 15 regarding points because I'm not going to do this obligated,
    Tell me what can I do,
    Juan Sebastian Sanchez Pinzon

  4. help!, Sorry for the mistake

  5. Wonderful videos both!
    In my opinion, we must present both of them and explain a relationship between them (that can be that because of the selfishness of a piece of people in the world, it is day by day turning into a hell) and analyze each one...
    I agree with these types of activities in the pray time because some of us don't belif in "God" but are obligated to pray or participate so I really like these kind of activities...
    I wanna explain both!
    Juan Sebastian Sanchez Pinzon

  6. Thanks a lot Juan Camilo and Juan Sebastian!

    Well, I haven´t thought on presenting both videos, considering your point of view we can focus the reflection based on the Mankind selfishness. The problem that I see is that we can be short of time, you know, we´ll have more of less twenty minutes to present the activity but If you still wanna do both, What a damn!, let´s do it,, what do you think juan camilo?

    PDS: I still need one more person

  7. Me!
    I like the firts one but bouth will be better, the firt one is like telling the true to every one, openly without mascs only teling the hoirrible tru and that we are on time to do something, and with the second we will do a reflection.
    Yes teacher a primise U i will help U

  8. Woow I like so much this threesome! :)
    (brownnosers) haha!!

    PDS: Mister, I still in mi position about those 15 rewarding points!
    I hope my classmates too...

    And Juliana, Please IMPROVE YOUR FU.....ING SPELLING!!

  9. All right!, So this is the deal:

    1) One person should be uncharge of presenting the opening pray. This one should include as usual give thanks and make some offerings. ( Juliana)

    2) Opening questions. What is selfishness?. Are you a selfish person?. One person should be uncharge of a short interaction with audience asking both questions. Just chose several people randomly to answer the questions. ( Juan Camilo)

    3) Play video # 1.Paradise
    4) Play Video # 2. Key to the universe

    5)After presenting both videos, ask questions such as what is your opinion about the video? or what is your interpretation of the video?, what is the relationship of both videos? what is the message?,, please avoid poor questions like what did you understand?. ( juan sebastian)

    6. Final reflection. Here one person must finish the activity with a message. ( any of you can do this)

    Juliana, Juan Camilo and Juan Sebastian, Thanks a lot for your help!. If you have a different idea please let me know so we prepare in advance the arrangements.

  10. WELL TEACHER ! Can`t I give my OPINION ?
    OR IS TO LATEE.....

  11. maria paula rubio cuervo22 de marzo de 2010, 16:32

    mrs.excuse me.
    i want to do it, because i want to do it time ago, but today was the first time i can enter in the blog!!
    please count with me in the next time!!
    maria paula

  12. The video I most liked was the first, because I'ts very realistic and I totally desagree with the people that kill animals for money or for having fun [What they even call sport or party].
    I would like to partcipate but, I don't know how to express in English.

    Laura Ortiz Sarria

  13. i think we can do it juliana juanse and me don´t you think mister
    what ever mister i can do those things it´s okay for me
    juan camilo s.
    thank you for let me participate, mister olaya.

  14. Mister!!
    Please I Need The Guide!!
    Can U Publish it¿?
    Juan Sebastian Sanchez Pinzon
